This applies within the Village of Acme Limits only.
For Kneehill County, please visit their website at www.kneehillcounty.com/
Acme Library
Facebook page: Acme Municipal Library

Regular Hours
Tuesday: 4:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Wednesday: 12:00pm - 4:30 pm
Thursday: 4:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Friday: 10:00 am - 2:30pm

For many years the Acme Municipal Library has offered a variety of services to the community.
Books still constitute the main part of the library collection. Special sections and types of reading material include DVDs, large print books, magazines, westerns, science fiction, biographies, non-fiction and fiction books, as well as books for younger readers. The Acme Municipal Library also has WiFi and computers available for free access to the Internet.
Acme Municipal Library is part of the Marigold Library System, which is partnered with Northern Lights Library System, Peace Library System & Yellowhead Library System. These 4 groups form the TRACpac System, which allows us to share all of our collections across the province! See what we have to offer here http://catalogue.tracpac.ab.ca/polaris/

Acme Municipal Library is pleased to offer access to any e-resources found here.
A few popular options are:
PressReader: On-line newsstand providing access to electronic copies of more than 7,000 newspapers from 120+ countries in 60+ languages.
Hoopla: Hoopla offers over 500,000 titles available to stream instantly ranging from movies, tv episodes, full-length music-albums, eBooks, Comics, and audiobooks.
Overdrive | Libby: Collection of eBooks and eAudiobooks for all ages including popular fiction and nonfiction. Borrow up to ten titles at a time. Choose your loan period of one week, two weeks, or three weeks, with the option to return early. Download Libby, the fun and easy-to-use OverDrive mobile app. Kids can view the Kids Reading Room, a collection of materials just for kids and teens!
Library Press Display: Library Press Display is an online newspaper kiosk. It provides access to electronic copies of more than 2,600 newspapers from 100 countries in 60 languages. Up to 90 days of back issues are available. You can read your favorite international, national, and provincial newspapers from cover to cover, sometimes even before the publications hit the newsstands. The publications are full-colour, full-format, and can be read at home or on the go!
Location: 610 Walsh Avenue (Acme School) Box 326, Acme, AB. T0M 0A0
Contact Information: Phone: 403-546-3879 or Email: aamlibrary@marigold.ab.ca